domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

Moral values

Helping children gain academic knowledge is essential, but holding  MORAL VALUES throughout life, is the most significant challenge!

2 comentarios:

  1. I strongly agree with you Pat!!values such as empathy, solidarity, respect and caring will accompany them all their lives!They can forget any content sooner or later, but not values...

  2. I do agree on that Patsy!!! Why is it that we chose this profession if not to teach children how to be good people??? I always say that, from a very early age I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I used to "torture" one of my cousins in a bedroom in my granny's house playing the teacher and student inside the classroom writing things on a mirror with a marker for him to copy. Besides, I was also the one who took care of my sisters and my three boy cousins as well, always keeping an eye on them and checking that they were all right. When I decided to quit law school, I did it because I realized I DID want to be a teacher and I chose English just because I have always enjoyed it a lot. But teaching language, grammar, vocab was NEVER the main objective, EDUCATING and FORMING good people IS.
